Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008


www.ntvc.gov. Copyright 2007 © National Virtual Translation Center. October 6, 7, 8, 2008.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Secondary Research

Xhosa is part of the Bantu language. Xhosa used to be called Kaffir which means infidel in Arabic.
Xhosa is a mix of languages including the Khoisan language which the Xhosan people came into contact with during their migration through Africa. The clicking noise made in Xhosa comes from the Khoisan language as do some words and pronunciations. Xhosa closely sounds like the languages Zulu, Swati, and Ndeble. About 7.1 million people in South Africa speak Xhosa as their first language. Xhosa is one of the eleven official languages of the republic of South Africa. One of the most famous leaders of South Africa Nelson Rohlihlahla Mandela is a Xhosa tribesman.

My Research plan

My plan for finding the answers to my questions is searching the world wide web and all other resources available to me and others researching my language. I will probably not be able to find a native speaker of Xhosa so i will revert into interviewing someone trying to pronounce the words and speak the language.

Monday, October 6, 2008

My Research Questions

Where did Xhosa originate?
Does Slang exist in the Xhosa language?
Who speaks Xhosa?
What are some of the words and pronunciation?

My Research Goals

I want to know where it originated, how it came about, who uses Xhosa, and some of the words and pronunciations.

My Language Belief

 I believe that language is a very special thing. Language is particular. Particular to one person and particular to a group of people at the same time. Language is something that can help or hender a relationship between two people or two nations. Language is extremely diverse so diverse in fact that there are dialects within dialects within dialects. Language is amazing.